The point of “planning a dance” was to plan the best dance that our group believed would be and  persuade our classmates to vote for the dance we planned. Our class split into three different groups, my group consisted of Grace, Christina, me and Hiroki. We were given the choices of picking our own location, music, and food.

What my teams objectives were while planning the dance was to make it simple, not very costly and everybody will have fun. These are the choices we chose: Music: Good Vibrations(2000$) Location: Gym(200$) Food: Catered 2(3000$) We had 9635 $ to spend for the dance.

Since our team’s moto was, “We will fulfill your desires” as I mentioned before we wanted something simple, everybody will have fun and will be convenient for everybody to go to, so we kept that in mind while choosing our location/music/food.

Music: Good Vibrations 2,000$. Our group decided on Good Vibrations because we wanted a variety of music and not only one genre and good high quality music. If we choose the live bands it would not have met the requirements of our group because the live bands only played one specific genre of music while the Disc Jockey played a variety. After canceling out our option of picking the live bands we pondering between Pig Sty and Good Vibrations. But at the end we choose Good Vibrations because we thought that  it was a dance and it was necessary to have excellent music and sound system  then having a cheap but ‘okay’ music group. The music was our trade off:giving up a little of something to get more of something else. We choose the DJ because it was cheaper then the Live bands and it will able us to donate more money to our prom or senior trip.

Location: Our group was split into two when deciding our location. Grance and I wanted to have it at the School Gym where as Hiroki and Christina wanted it to be a formal dance and have it at the Hilton Hotel. But at the end we chose the school Gym. We choose the school gym for many reasons. First of all, it was somewhere people already knew the way to and was use to. Also because it was cheap and the location was our opportunity cost: what you have to give up in order to gain the best choice:second choice. We gave up getting a expensive location to get better food because we thought that food was more important then the location.

Refreshment and Decorations: When we were  deciding for the food, since we gave up a good location to hold our dance we decided we can spend a lot of money on the food. At first we were going to pick the most expensive choice; Package deal. But after discussing it with our group we realized the package deal might not be the good as we thought it might be. We realized that the quality of the food and decorations will be good but we thought that the consequences: something that can happen in the future because of the actions and choices taken. It can be both negative and positive  of having a dinner before the dance, people will just go to dinner and not go to the dance or be too full they won’t be able to dance. So, instead of getting the package deal we decided to get Catered 2.

At the end our group only spent 5200$ on the dance and had 4,435$ left over. Our group decided to donate the leftover money to our senior trip or to the prom that we will host next year.

Other groups had different plans then ours. Their plans where:

Group 1: Good Vibrations, School Gym, Catered #2. Leftover money goes  to Tohoku

Group three: Good Vibrations, Hilton, Catered #2. Leftover money gets donated to Tohoku

At the very end after presenting all our plans to the class group three had the majority votes and our class decided to have a dance with Good Vibrations, Hilton, Catered #2. Leftover money gets donated to Tohoku.

Black Death

The Black Death was epidemic outbreak of endemetic disease in Mongolia. It all started when the Mongolians  started   to invade China and Europe. At the time the Mongolians had the disease therefore when they invaded China and Europe the bubonic plague started spreading amongst the people living in China and Europe. Not only did people get the bubonic plague from other people. THe bubonic plague started spreading amongst rats that were on the boat and fleas and the people that were on the boats would get the deadly disease from the rats and fleas. Since the people were not immune to the new disease around 33% of the European population died during the period of 1347-1350. Also during this time, the European countries were under feudalism. Feudalism is a system that is based on loyalty in exchange of land or protection. During this time at the very top was the King, who gives land to nobel for protection, then comes the Nobles who gives Knights jobs then comes the peasants who have  to make food for everybody. The peasants during this time had very limited freedom. They were not allowed to move, had to give animals, money, ropes, and their labor to the lords, follow the lords method of farming, no freedom therefore had to live the same life generation after generation. But because of the black death which killed 33% of the European population, a lot of peasants died and soon the peasants became very scarce. The peasants knew that they were very scarce and knew that their lords needed them, so they started to revolt. They asked for more freedom and better agreements with the lords. This is called an (Incentive a thing that motives or encourages one to do something. It can be both negative and positive.)
Although their revolt did not succeed,  their lords end up giving the peasants to feel free to farm without any method, could move to another lord anytime and were given more freedom. This all made feudalism weaker because the change in the peasants and the lord owners relationship. After the black death the lords were not able to control them anymore.

We did a quick activity in class pretending we were land owners and seeing how much we needed to feed ourselves, pay our peasants and money to harvest crops or animals and see what way we can get the most money out of it. By doing this  activity we were able to calculate the income(money received from goods or other sources)of us;landowners by adding up all the money we will be getting by either harvesting plants or raising animals.

Real World Connection 

The Nintendo 3DS has not been selling their handheld video game system the way they were hopping they would sell it. So far, since the launch of the 3DS on March 27th only 4 million 3DS’s were sold world wide while the DS or the DS light has sold Nintendo 27 million copies. Nintendo believes that by lowering the price of their 3DS they will have more consumers. The original price of the Nintendo 3DS was $249.99 and they dropped the price to 170$. Because the world right now is having a hard time with the economy and not a lot of people are buying things like they were a few years ago, Nintendo wants the most income they can possibly get.

Nintendo is hoping that by lowering the price of the 3DS, Nintendo consumers incentive will be that the pice of the Nintendo is cheeper therefore they will buy the device. This trade off will be that Nintendo will have to give up the money;income they were going to get to make the price cheaper.  Also, Nintendo is hoping that the more people that buy the 3DS the more money they can make for the game cassettes their consumers will buy. Nintendo is hoping that in the long run by lowering their 3DS price people will buy more 3DS’s and will add up to be how much they wanted to sell it for. But the consequences of Nintendo’s drop in price would be that it would lower Nintendo’s profit. By making the 3DS  80$ cheap and if 5 people buy the 3DS with it’s new price Nintendo will be losing 400$. This can add up to be a big number in the long run. Another consequence that Nintendo is facing is the people who bought the Nintendo at the normal price, 249.99. For those people Nintendo has to make it equal for them, therefore Nintendo is going to allow these people to download 5 free games from the Nintendo online website. This is not very good for Nintendo because instead of buying online games people will be able to get it for free and Nintendo will not be making any money. Although there are many consequences to lowering the price of the 3DS there are many good outcomes such as giving kids the opportunity who couldn’t afford the 249.99$ Nintendo to get the 3DS, selling more amounts of the video game and finally making their customers happy. All in all, by lowering the price of the 3DS Nintendo is hoping people will consume more 3DS’s and that will lead people to buy more Nintendo products such as cases, game cassettes or even other Nintendo video games such as the DS light.


Giles, Nathan Olivarez. “Nintendo 3DS price dropping to $170.” LAtimesblog.
N.p., 28 July 2011. Web. 9 Sept. 2011. <


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